2021 begins with the UK operating under the 3rd national lockdown with its attempts to beat the Covid-19 pandemic. It does mean that all forms of DVSA testing, whether the theory or the practical driving test, as well as driving lessons offered by Driving Ambition continues to be suspended.
It does mean that there is the inevitable disruption if you have already started your learning journey or if you are waiting to start an understanding that it will need patience for new spaces to become available as soon as we are able to get underway again. We are hopeful of a 12th April return but confirmation from the DVSA will be required before we fully know. If you are looking to start then it is important to get your name on a waiting list and give your instructor has much flexibility as you can when you can take lessons.
In the meantime there are certain things that you can do...
- prepare yourself for the theory ready when testing can take place. There are a no. of good apps out there and why not send a msg to us for any advice
- do as much private practice as you possibly can with a family member. Please ensure that you are following the Covid regulations in regards to this and that the car being used is properly insured. Driving Ambition can supply you details on custom designed provisional license insurance that will not affect the car owners existing insurance.
- Have a look at the Driving Ambition YouTube channel containing a wealth of learning resources
- If you have had a driving test cancelled due to Covid look on the DVSA's booking website for cancellations.. they do come up or alternatively there are Apps out there that can regularly check & send notifications to you
Furthermore as soon as things get underway again please be rest assured that your instructor will be doing as much as he can to minimise the risk of Covid-19 so all industry & government guidance regarding Covid-19 will be followed, including sanitising the car and the use of PPE.
Please remain patient, talk to us if you need further info & above all, please stay safe !