Introducing the new recommend a friend offer!
- claim free driving lessons
-treat yourself to something nice
- or donate to a worthy cause.
It’s entirely your choice.
Open to both existing & former pupils!!

If you recommend a friend to take up driving lessons we would like to thank you by rewarding you with a choice of these fantastic offers…
• Free Driving Lessons. Each pupil can claim a free driving lesson for every introduction.
• Alternatively you choose an Amazon Gift voucher worth £20 free to spend it on whatever you want.
• Or your introduction can be used as a donation of £20 to Children in Need.
All your friend has to do is to make the instructor aware of the recommendation & complete 10 hrs of driving tuition. Alternatively feel free to send an e-mail using the link below telling me which friend you are introducing or if you are a friend tell me who introduced you.
Everybody wins!
Not only do you benefit your chosen friend benefits too!!
After completing 10 hours of lessons they can claim an extra hour totally free of charge. You can help them on the way to passing their driving test!!
No upper limit
The number of friends you introduce is limitless so for example you introduce 10 pupils, you can claim 10 free hours, or £200 worth of vouchers or a charitable contribution to the same amount.